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1/25/2019 12:00:00 AM EASTERN
Updated: 1/29/2019 12:51:17 PM EASTERN
For more information, contact Rochelle Williams.
GRHC offers Free Vein Screening

Summer Legs Are Made in the Winter

If you have varicose veins, you may find yourself grateful for the cold months so that you can more easily cover up the unsightly veins with long pants or leggings. Winter also happens to be an ideal time to seek treatment for varicose veins, and a perfect time for Grant Regional to offer a FREE vein screening on Tuesday, February 12 from 3-7 PM.

Timing Is Everything
Patients who receive varicose veins treatment often find relief of symptoms such as throbbing, cramping and a heavy feeling in their legs relatively quickly after treatment. However, changes in the physical appearance of the varicose veins in the legs may take a few months to notice.

Treating varicose veins in the winter allows you sufficient time to work through the process and to begin seeing noticeable differences in the appearance of your legs before the warm months arrive. In addition, many patients discover that their venous condition may need subsequent treatments, so the earlier they begin their treatment plan, the more likely they will achieve the results they want before the summer months return.

Grant Regional’s Board Certified General Surgeon Dr. Adam Schope offers a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins. Fortunately, treatment for painful, unsightly veins usually doesn't mean a hospital stay or a long, uncomfortable recovery. Thanks to less invasive procedures, varicose veins can generally be treated on an outpatient basis.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is a progressive medical condition that worsens over time and affects the veins and vessels in the leg that carry oxygen-poor blood back toward the heart. Varicose veins, which are enlarged veins in the leg that appear like twisted, bulging cords, can progress to CVI if left untreated.

There are a number of factors that contribute to varicose veins and CVI, including pregnancy and heredity. As varicose veins progress to become CVI, other painful symptoms like leg swelling, skin damage and ulcers may occur.

Venefit™ Targeted Endovenous Therapy
Grant Regional offers the Venefit™ procedure, which is the only minimally invasive segmental radiofrequency (RF) ablation treatment that utilizes radiofrequency energy to provide an even and uniform heat to contract the collagen in the vein walls, causing them to collapse and seal. Once a leg vein is closed, blood flow is redirected to healthy veins.

The Venefit procedure allows for a quick, comfortable recovery and a return to everyday activities, while also improving the appearance of varicose veins. This procedure is covered by most health insurance plans, but we encourage you to check with your health plan to confirm your coverage.

Post-Treatment Compression Socks Add a Layer of Warmth
Many physicians will recommend the use of compression stockings before and after varicose vein treatment to boost blood circulation by applying pressure to the veins of the calves and ankles. Many patients find they are more willing to wear these compression stockings in the winter when they offer an additional layer of insulation against the cold rather than the summer when they are more difficult to tolerate.

Free Screening – February 12
To find out if Venefit is good solution for your varicose veins, take advantage of Grant Regional Health Center’s free vein screening on February 12th. Individual appointments are limited, so call soon to reserve your time slot between 3 – 7 p.m. For more information or to set up an appointment, call (608) 723-3249.